The Green Citizens of Quepos
Talking to the plants: the future Green citizens of a coastal Costa Rican city
Nuclear Wind-Makers: the Case Study of Delhi
The nuclear-fuelled "Wind-makers" of India
The Urban Garden of Arizona
The future of the garden city of Pheonix, AZ.
Future Vermont: "House Plant Utopia"
The botanical future of Montpelier, Vermont
Gigantic Oceanic Waterwheels Can Keep AMOC Moving.
AMOC can be saved by gigantic waterwheels the size of cities
The Future of Carndonagh -- and Green Ireland
This project explores the destinies of thousands of cities & towns across the world as they strive to tackle the severe environmental...
Canada's Children Vote for a Green Utopia with Their (Playful) Feet...
This project explores the destinies of over 1000 cities & towns across the world as they strive to tackle the severe environmental...