The Rise of Dalek Architecture
The Dalek's first invaded Earth from the planet Skaro in the 1960s. Are they still with us!?
China's "Super-Eco" Walking Megacity
Shanghai adopts a compact city design by constructing of a network of piezoelectric pedestrian tubeways.
Regenerating a Green River: Chepstow in the Future
Chepstow is heralded as one of the Gateways to the lovely Wye Valley, whose enchanting verdant riverine landscape.
"Cathedrals of Green" in Future Minneapolis
This project plans to forecast the future of the 10000 cities across the globe -- as though they have survived climate change and gone on...
Gongshan -- The Wild River City
An account of the future of a Chinese river city.
A Preview of our Green Utopian Futures project
A preview of our future Green Utopia
Outstanding Ostrava Bans "Dumb-phones"
A city in Central Europe moves into a Green Future by banning "smart"-phones
Community Power Recharges a Uruguayan Heritage Town
Community Power Recharges a Uruguayan Heritage Town
Just Energy Transition in America's Sunniest City
Transforming to super-sustainable energy in a socially just manner.
Nizhni Novgorod: City of Future Green Peace?
The future of Nizhni Novgorod