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Remscheid -- An Industrial De-Pollution Capital?

This project details the futures of more than 100 cities and towns across the globe as they fight to overcome all the grave socio-environmental challenges of the 21st century. As part of this process, we highlight the future of the German town of Remscheid.

The Future of Remscheid -- Complete With A 'Remscheid Robot'

If you visit Remscheid in 100 years in the future, you will find myriad mobile machines, dubbed 'Remscheid Robots', vigorously sucking in all manner of anthropogenic pollutants from the atmosphere (including carbon dioxide) then recycling these pollutants into benign chemicals which will serve as raw materials for various new ecofriendly products.

A 'Remscheid Robot' Sucking Global Warming Gases from the Atmosphere

Decarbonization architecture

However, after many decades of development -- and with gigantic investment from both governments and the private sector -- the machinic capture of gaseous pollutants is exposed a gigantic diddle. The robots and their ecofriendly products start leaking massive quantities of carbon dioxide, as well as carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, and all manner of other nasty chemicals; all injuring people in the town (and halting neither global warming nor urban pollution).

A Remscheid Robot Spewing Out Global Warming Gases It Was Supposed to Capture and Transform


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